Saturday, May 14, 2022


 Gibberish Gjourney

Tired of dwelling in Illing Noise, 
I thought I’d head for Truth or Consequences- 
an abandoned city. 
I’d heard that there were meticulously constructed 
but empty structures still standing in Convention Square there.

I had passed through Normal, skirted Cancer City
when I saw a phrase stumble over the border wall
and fall before climbing into a sentence
without brakes and unpunctuated tireds…
The map hadn’t shown that wall…
My maps often omitted phantoum structures anyway…
go figure.

Anywho, the phrase must have realized its predicament
because without apparent clause it climbed out the window
and, like an idiom, slipped across Stanza Blvd
and started hitchhiking to…No Meaning Whatsoever.

Meanwhile, ideas zigged and zagged like cracks spreading
in asphalt too much driven over, their fragments dangling
over roadside railings as if to jump into the nothingness
waiting below to catch some significance.

I found out that Reason had left Rhyme
two counties behind trying to catch a ride
with a broken thumb 
that couldn’t even bully a pinkie anymore...
it was forced to try another finger.

A few miles down the road Simile, in its euphemism,
tried to saunter past the border sans clue 
about the sin tax on metaphornication. 
She almost got edited without bail,
but Cliche rolled up in a Deus ex Machina
disguised as a Deuce and a Quarter, paid the toll
and they drove on down the road together
in reminiscence of obsolescence and four-play.

They laughed about the time Naked Rhythm and barely-dressed Rhyme
tried to penetrate the membrane between Mumbo and Jumbo
and hy men- beyond compare in contrasting uniforms- put a stop
to that none sense and rode Rhythm and Rhyme outta town on a qua train.

A nagging nagging nagging thought kept recurring…
I was as mad as Max in a palindrome, 
only had a little rations left
and since I’d already be cum a master baiter of hyperbaton,
I thought I’d better double entendre back the way I’d cum.

Now, well-versed in aimless travel, I reflect 
on that an epic odyssey of a journey to which 
this piece is an oderous homage or omage if you prefer- 
I know some people pay omahj to Tarjay.

I hadn’t found Truth and the only consequence 
is that I find myself right back in Illing Noise 
where I started, far too close to Normal.

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